Come join us in celebrating our March and April Pillars of Pride recipients!
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Hopkins
Pillars of Pride: Facebook Live Event. Join us in honoring our March and April recipients! We will be recognizing our students for being models of character in citizenship, leadership, and scholarship for the month of March and April and LIVE streaming the event to the Miller County R-III Schools Facebook page. When: Thursday, April 15th. Elementary: 11:30 AM - 11:52 AM. Middle School: 11:04 AM - 11:26 AM. High School: 12:00 PM - 12:22 PM
FFA fish fry and labor auction is on tonight. Bring your appetites and enjoy some good food and great company. Serving begins at 5pm.
almost 4 years ago, Jason Price
fish fryers
ffa servers
Track & Field for tomorrow has been POSTPONED to next Saturday, April 17th @ Russellville at 10am!
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
Today our great group of educators shared expert advice, treats and gifts for the expecting mothers of the Lion Pride!! A special thanks to CTA president, Courtney Duncan for helping pull this together.
almost 4 years ago, Jason Price
baby shower gift table
Due to extremely wet conditions today’s track meet at Eugene has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Bobbie Grant
wet conditions no track meet
2021 Carnival Prince & Princess Candidates
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
prince and princess
2021 Carnival King & Queen Candidates
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
king and queen
Check out our summer school opportunity! Summer Journey is designed to enrich children's learning with a hands-on, project based curriculum that promotes engagement and builds self-confidence.
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
summer school
Spring is in the Air! Join us for our Spring Concert & Carnival Coronation on May 4th. Check out the flyer for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
Concert & Coronation
School will not be in session on Friday, April 2nd or Monday, April 5th.
almost 4 years ago, Jason Price
Spring Break April 2-5th
Juniors rocked the ACT this morning and then were able to enjoy lunch outside as well as a friendly game of whiffle ball and kickball at the park.
almost 4 years ago, Bobbie Grant
whiffle ball at the park
ACT is over!
playing kickball
Congratulations to our Middle School Academic Team for winning FIRST place at the Show-Me Conference Academic Tournament!!
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
academic team
We have 3 athletes that received Missouri Sportswriters All-District! Congratulations to the following players: 1st Team - Lorenzo Fornari 1st Team - Kylee Ash 2nd team - Addison Rogers
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
It's time to sign up for Kindergarten registration/screening!
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
Kindergarten screening
Enjoy a four day weekend with your family and friends!
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
Easter break
This week's baseball schedule:
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
Baseball 3.29.21
Baseball game tonight vs. Russellville has been cancelled. Make-up date has not been set.
almost 4 years ago, Bobbie Grant
baseball game cancelled
Tonight's baseball game has been moved to Russellville due to field conditions! Game time is 5:30pm
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
baseball game
We want to give a huge THANK YOU to our community for supporting this year's Book Fair! We sold so many books and soared past our goal! We are going to be able to add over $1,000 worth of books to our school libraries! (This is just a picture of a few we've purchased so far)
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
Head to the App Store or Google Play Store to download the Miller County R-III app!
almost 4 years ago, Courtney Duncan
App info